Think you’re your own harshest critic? Try peer review…

This month’s blog is written by me with Duncan Astle, a colleague whose intellectual brilliance is only exceeded by his charm. Peer review is a lynch-pin of the scientific process and bookends every scientific project. But despite the crucial importance of the peer review process in determining what research gets funded and published, in our experience PhD students and…

Marking Time

This week I’d like to introduce a new guest blogger, Tom Pittwood from Brain in Hand. Tom is a researcher and training supporter for this company who are exploring ways to use technology, specifically mobile devices, to support independent living. Here Tom talks about his personal experiences with this technological support system. I do not like…

NFC, learning, and the Magic Cloud

I’m delighted to feature a guest blog today from a colleague here at Moray House School of Education, called Andrew Manches.  Andrew is a former teacher and now researcher with an interest in how children learn through physical interaction with objects including technology. Developments in digital technology give us new ways to represent, manipulate, and share information.…